
Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:39 PM) :
*After a long time living in darkness biaatch comes out of the dark again*
*walking towards his new victem*

*pulls up his skirt and takes pencil and note*

Hi i’m Rody aka Fierce how are u?

ClubMed*DEA (09:39 PM) :
I am Jos aka ClubMed

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:40 PM) :
i asked how are u… !!! didn’t asked u Who are u… 😉
Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:40 PM) :
So again… Geeeezzzz those dutchies

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:40 PM) :
Hi i’m Rody aka Fierce how are u?

ClubMed*DEA (09:40 PM) :
i am fine, thanks for asking. How are you?

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:40 PM) :
ahhhaa, i’m great… well My name is Rody, what is ur name?

ClubMed*DEA (09:41 PM) :
I am Jos aka ClubMed

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:41 PM) :
And where u from?

ClubMed*DEA (09:41 PM) :
I am from Westland, the Netherlands

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:42 PM) :
Hmmm Westland.. I bet the people outside holland, will grab the world map to lookup the place westland… 😉

ClubMed*DEA (09:43 PM) :
Well, i think 75% of al weed is produced overhere so i think they will

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:43 PM) :
Do u use weed?

ClubMed*DEA (09:43 PM) :
nope, i did when i was young. I am a responsible daddy these days

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:43 PM) :
Tell me, the viewers at home really wants to know… howmany springs are u?

ClubMed*DEA (09:44 PM) :
i am 31 springs young

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:44 PM) :
Howmany childern do u have?

ClubMed*DEA (09:45 PM) :
i am the proud father of two children. A daughter of 4 yrs old and a boy of 2.

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:45 PM) :
Hmm about the daughter…
Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:45 PM) :
Ur really sure she’s 4 ? isn’t she perhaps 21, blond, double XX. ???? mayby?

ClubMed*DEA (09:46 PM) :
in about 17 yrs she probably will

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:46 PM) :
hmmmm.. damm….

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:46 PM) :
ur really sure she isn’t 21 ?

ClubMed*DEA (09:46 PM) :
u dont want me as father-in-law 😛

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:46 PM) :
hahaa, well at least ur playing computer games 😉

ClubMed*DEA (09:47 PM) :
Sure i do will do till i cant touch a keyboard anymore

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:47 PM) :
What is the story behind Clubmed?as your nickname?

ClubMed*DEA (09:47 PM) :
In the early yrs i was a members of |SSS|, Suicide Squirrels Squad. I played BF1942, clanbased. I played with the medikit. I was the suicidal doctor didnt gave a shit about my score if i could take some enemies with me to virtual hell. Thats why ClubMed

ClubMed*DEA (09:50 PM) :
and i love holidays, got lot of them as i am a teacher in business administration

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:50 PM) :
hehee.. Nice.. Where was ur start at online gaming.. where was the beginning? how did u got into it?

ClubMed*DEA (09:51 PM) :
Online gaming from the beginning of internet?
ClubMed*DEA (09:51 PM) :
think in the early 90

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:51 PM) :
online gaming = gaming over the internet

ClubMed*DEA (09:51 PM) :
not the fancy 3d games, text based dungeons and dragons and sort of stuff

ClubMed*DEA (09:52 PM) :
online gaming = gaming over the internet >> DUUH!!!

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:52 PM) :
hehehe. so ur roots was dungeons and dragons?

ClubMed*DEA (09:52 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:52 PM) :
what was it

ClubMed*DEA (09:52 PM) :
the internet as communication medium is interesting

ClubMed*DEA (09:53 PM) :
and gaming is part of communication, brings ppl together not pushed back by color, believes and so on

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:54 PM) :
Agree agree. In online gaming ur beeing judged by ur behaviour, not over ur skin color, etc etc

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:54 PM) :
What games do u play nowadays?

ClubMed*DEA (09:55 PM) :
BF2, BF2 SF, NFSU and alot of Zylom-shit

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:55 PM) :
in what games do u play inside *DEA

ClubMed*DEA (09:55 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:56 PM) :
from all matches u’ve played do u have a most memorable match ? a match which u will always remember?

ClubMed*DEA (09:56 PM) :
Not really, i really dunno

Fìêrçé²*DEA (09:57 PM) :
so u don’t have any match which was really special for u?

ClubMed*DEA (09:58 PM) :
All matches are special and i play with dedication and alot of fun. I remember a match in |SSS|, dunno against which clan…they were the winners for 95%, and we won, we pwned them. that match is the most special

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:00 PM) :
hahha, always winning as an underdog a great..

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:00 PM) :
from all the people u’ve met in online gaming, do u have some person (or persons) where looked up against…

ClubMed*DEA (10:01 PM) :
Cyclone. He is always there for the clan, preparing/arranging everything

ClubMed*DEA (10:02 PM) :
i as former |SSS| clanleader know how much work it is getting everything ok

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:02 PM) :
Did u know Cyclone got great nippels?

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:02 PM) :
*will not be recorded*

ClubMed*DEA (10:02 PM) :
i will c this summer in sweden

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:03 PM) :
hehhee. u bet

ClubMed*DEA (10:03 PM) :
If everything is gonna be ok, i`ll be there at the DEA party
more ppl should

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:03 PM) :
that would be great, really looking forward to meet u in real life

ClubMed*DEA (10:03 PM) :
i am the daddy all yearm but that weekend is mine

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:04 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:04 PM) :
u asked the goverment already?

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:04 PM) :
and what about outside the online gaming, do u have something like a role model (in the past) ?

ClubMed*DEA (10:04 PM) :
everything is arranged, need Wouster and DaYeX to come also

ClubMed*DEA (10:05 PM) :
dad and mum

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:05 PM) :
why ? what made them so special, besides they made u

ClubMed*DEA (10:06 PM) :
the made me the way i am today for a big part. thats what make them special. I am thankfull to have loving, caring parents

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:07 PM) :
*whiping a tears away*

ClubMed*DEA (10:07 PM) :
/me passes a blanket

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:07 PM) :
besides playing games, what are your hobby’s?

ClubMed*DEA (10:07 PM) :
music, handball

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:08 PM) :
what kind of music

ClubMed*DEA (10:08 PM) :
Alice in Chains, Iron Maiden, Slipknot, Evanescence

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:09 PM) :
heavy metal stuff?

ClubMed*DEA (10:09 PM) :
Everything that ROCKS big time

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:09 PM) :
hehee, and ur wife likes it aswell ?

ClubMed*DEA (10:09 PM) :

ClubMed*DEA (10:09 PM) :
no way, she hates it

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:10 PM) :
*cough* i can imagine *cough*

ClubMed*DEA (10:10 PM) :
i really cant

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:10 PM) :
handball ur playing it urself or, u like to watch it?

ClubMed*DEA (10:10 PM) :
i play it

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:10 PM) :
or u like the girls which hopping around with a ball ?

ClubMed*DEA (10:11 PM) :
not on a high level, just to keep up the condtion. the beerteam

ClubMed*DEA (10:11 PM) :
i like the girls also, gut eyes u know. I must use them well

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:11 PM) :
STOP STOP STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:11 PM) :
THE question we all wanna know… DOES the girls and the boys shower in 1 dressing room?

ClubMed*DEA (10:11 PM) :
Handball is not korfball dude

ClubMed*DEA (10:12 PM) :
korfbal is for wankers

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:12 PM) :
rather would play korfball than handball 😉

ClubMed*DEA (10:12 PM) :
means i dont like that sport

ClubMed*DEA (10:12 PM) :
mixed showers would be pleasant

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:12 PM) :
hahhaa… Tell me what kind of work do u do ?

ClubMed*DEA (10:13 PM) :
I am a teacher in business administration

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:13 PM) :
for how long?

ClubMed*DEA (10:13 PM) :
4 years now

ClubMed*DEA (10:13 PM) :
before that i was working in IT

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:13 PM) :
and u like it ? except the vacations than

ClubMed*DEA (10:14 PM) :
yup i like it a lot

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:14 PM) :
For the guys who don’t understand the term business administration.. can u explain what it is?

ClubMed*DEA (10:15 PM) :
now i really need a dictionairy

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:15 PM) :
hahah, just in short

ClubMed*DEA (10:15 PM) :
book keeping, making display and so on

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:16 PM) :
aye aye…
Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:16 PM) :
If i would give u a travel ticket, where would u go?

ClubMed*DEA (10:18 PM) :
i would go to…

ClubMed*DEA (10:18 PM) :
South of France

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:19 PM) :

ClubMed*DEA (10:19 PM) :
sun, ppl, good place to be

ClubMed*DEA (10:19 PM) :
Frejus, near Cannes

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:19 PM) :
fair enough. U live in holland. do u like it..

ClubMed*DEA (10:20 PM) :
i like it, but that shitty government can have my ticket to Swahili country

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:20 PM) :
So u don’t like politics..? why, what happend
Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:20 PM) :
(just in general)

ClubMed*DEA (10:21 PM) :
i do like politics, but not the lies this government preached

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:22 PM) :
agree , agree

ClubMed*DEA (10:22 PM) :
they shove it in our ass without any lubricant

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:22 PM) :

ClubMed*DEA (10:22 PM) :
dont like to be screwed

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:22 PM) :
alright some short questions.
Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:22 PM) :
If i would grant u 3 wishes… what would u wish for?

ClubMed*DEA (10:23 PM) :
richness for everybody in mind and so on
ClubMed*DEA (10:23 PM) :
no more wars, hate
ClubMed*DEA (10:24 PM) :
unlimited wishes for me
ClubMed*DEA (10:24 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:24 PM) :
haah somehow alot of people say the last wish 😉

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:24 PM) :
marriage or just living togheter

ClubMed*DEA (10:24 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:24 PM) :
Love at first sight?

ClubMed*DEA (10:24 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:24 PM) :
McDonalds or Burger King?

ClubMed*DEA (10:25 PM) :
both rebbish, but if have to… McD

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:25 PM) :
Wouter Bos or Jan Peter Balkenende

ClubMed*DEA (10:25 PM) :
Wouter Bos

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:26 PM) :
handball or Music?

ClubMed*DEA (10:26 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:26 PM) :
BF42 or BF2

ClubMed*DEA (10:26 PM) :

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:26 PM) :
what do u dislike the most ?

ClubMed*DEA (10:28 PM) :
ppl with respect, i mean real respect not just the word what is used to much these days with no value
ClubMed*DEA (10:28 PM) :
with ° without

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:28 PM) :
agree mate, agree…

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:28 PM) :
With this last question i runned out of Q’s… Do u have anything to add?

ClubMed*DEA (10:29 PM) :
All gamers, have fun, respect each other

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:30 PM) :
I hoped u enjoyed the interview.. At least i did

ClubMed*DEA (10:30 PM) :
i did too m8

Fìêrçé²*DEA (10:30 PM) :
*puts back his pencil + notebook, and walked back into the dark*